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Outstation Peterborough

Outstation Worship

Cambridge Bethel Pentecostal Church’s (CBPC) outstation work at Peterborough, a cathedral city in Cambridgeshire and one of the most prominent cities in England, has been going on since 2009. A ministry which started of with just 3 families has presently grown to a fellowship where more than 20 families attend and get blessed. Since 2009, people in Peterborough have been a witness to many of CBPC’s ministries in the form of outreach meetings, tract distribution, charity works, cottage meetings and other gospel work. Not just that we are delighted to let you all know that CBPC’s Christian Musical training programmes Harp and Lyre was also being organised in Peterborough under the leadership of famous music composer Br Albert Vijayan, which was later conducted online due to the global pandemic Covid. Currently CBPC’s outstation work in Peterborough is being conducted every week on Fridays at 7pm. Families and their friends from Peterborough and adjoining areas have been attending the worship meetings and are being blessed. These meeting are being conducted under the leadership and guidance of CBPC’s pastors, Pastor TG Samuel, Pastor Abraham Varghese and Pastor Rojy Raju. Bro Sam John and Bro Finley Francis have also serving the lord as CBPC Peterborough’s local coordinator and worship leader respectively. Along with them all the believers and their families have also been serving the lord and are making CBPC’s ministry in Peterborough a great sucess. Mathew 28:16-20 Jesus gives the great commission, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. CBPC has been working in Peterborough with the ultimate mission to attract the people still in darkness towards the light in Christ and glorify his name.
We cordially invite everyone to our worship service held at St Jude’s Church, Cranford Drive, Peterborough   PE3 7EW, every Friday from 7 pm onwards. If you are ever by that area please don’t hesitate to drop by and be part of our service.

For more details kindly contact us at 07394819985 or 01480880104.